Sweating, Sweaty Feet Dry After Micro ETS Surgery. Patients Share
How Excessive Sweating of the Feet Ended
Surgery may be an option
for you, however, Dr. Nielson does not specifically treat foot
sweating with Micro ETS. Our procedure can target the
feet only. Find
out more, click here.
February 2016
6 Month Follow Up
Condition(s) Treated /Comments: Hyperhidrosis
of the hands, feet. CS on my legs. but it is very minor and
not really a problem.
My confidence is back. With out a dought it is the most amazing thing I have
ever experienced! it has opened up a new world for me.forever guys
are my angels. - James (OKlahoma)
January 2015
6 Month Follow Up
Condition(s) Treated /Comments: Hyperhidrosis
of the hands, feet. CS of armpit and torso area.
I have gotten some promotions at work due to the fact that I am no longer afraid
to speak up and make myself known. Im so much more confident in myself. - Carolina
Octobert 2014
6 Month Follow Up
Condition(s) Treated /Comments: Hyperhidrosis
of the hands, face, underarms, feet. CS of armpit and torso
area, I sweat in my torso area quite badly.
Very much so, even with the compensatory sweating, I can't explain
how happy I am to walk into meeting with dry hands and be confident
when I shake hands. I can lotion my hands now, I was never able
to do that before. I still walk around with a bit of paper towel
but it's only for my sweaty armpit.
- Nesha (Virgin Islands)
October 2012
9 Year Follow Up
Condition(s) Treated: Hyperhidrosis of hands, feet, face,
Facial Blushing
Hi Dr. Neilson,
I had ETS surgery with you 9 years ago. So far this surgery has
been a huge success. I do experience Gustatory sweating which I
am considering treating with Botulinum Toxin injections, but my main question
is about compensatory sweating. I suffered with this quite severely
the first few years after the surgery, but it appears to have resolved
itself and if I have it now, it's very mild. - Keri
April 2013
Surgery Done June 2012
Hello (Dr. Nielson),
I am very pleased to inform
you that everything is wonderful and I am very grateful for the
Micro ETS and the professional attention that your staff provided
to me while in your care. No words can describe or measure the
transformation of my life since the surgery. I will gladly participate
as a referral for your office. Thank You, Roel
Hello Dr Nielson,
I am very pleased to report that I have no sweating
of the feet at all. The CS on my trunk is gradually diminishing
and is rarely a problem, I can hardly believe it! Thank you so
much for all your skill and kindness to me - I will never forget
you or all other staff who were so wonderful. I have been contacted
via my email, by 3 ladies, all from USA, who were looking for reassurance
for ETS surgery - they couldn't have come to a better person, I
was able to answer all their questions and "hold their hands" up
to and after their surgeries. Two of the ladies have kept in touch,
but I didn't expect them to! I wish you all well,
thank you again. (Patient from England)
Dr Nielson,
Thought I'd drop a line
to let you know how things have been since my surgery!
The very best thing is I can lay next to my husband at night. I
rub my feet up and down his legs. My cats before
I would have to brush them they shed so much it was just horrible!
Now I can scratch and play with them. Before I was always cold
always wiping the water from my hands with soaked socks! Now my
feet are dry! Yea! I've sweat a little across my belly wheni got
out in the heat but thank goodness I did and it felt so good for
my feet and hands to be dry as the breeze blew
by! I want to thank you Dr Nielson, you have made a 100% change
in my life. All the problems that before seemed so huge, are now
so very small. its so nice to write and thank you with dry hands
upon the keys! I prayed and I prayed and the week before surgery
I was praying about many things because I take care of daddy and
he suffers from neuropathy! But, I prayed. "please god this
first so that i can bare the load ahead with daddy", and god
answered me with you! I recieved an email from another surgeon
saying it wasn't ethical to ask money upfront and I should consider
coming there! I wrote and told him I couldn't of been placed in
better hands! And, the outcome is priceless!! I didn't mean to
write you a book, its just that life seems so very wonderful now!
I find myself crying for little things like playing footsies.
Now we can walk through the sand without castle's being built on
my sweaty toes! (ha,ha)
Thank you and when you find the time could you send me the names
of the doctors for daddy! thank you! (Patient)
Dear Dr. Nielson,
It's been under one week since my surgery. My results
are unbelievable!! I used to sweat excessively (dripping sweat)
from my hands and feet. You told me that there was a 50/50 chance
my feet would stop sweating. Well I guess I fell
under the good 50% because my feet are now as dry as my hands.
The surgery was 100+% effective. So far I have had no rebound or
compensatory sweating. I have already been in several situations
where my hands would have dripped sweat and instead they remained
absolutely dry and I remained absolutely cool and confident. I
went to church today and usually when we get to the point in the
mass when we all hold hands I would excuse myself and go the bathroom,
but today I gladly extended both my hands and I thanked God for
leading me to you. I know after reading all your testimonials you
must realize how grateful your patients are for your work, but
I must tell you again how extremely thankful I am everyday that
I stumbled across your website. I agree with the patient that said
we need to get you on Oprah, because it pains me to think that
there are so many more people out there suffering like I was who
are not aware of you and how easy your procedure is. I feel even
more fortunate, because I know people travel thousands of miles
to get to you and I was only a two hour car drive away. I wish
I could have met Cheryl and Peggy while I was in San Antonio to
thank them personally for all their help and kindness in dealing
with my insurance preparations. Once again thank you, (Patient)
Tomorrow will be three months since my ETS surgery and
I want to let you know how pleased I am with the results! I
fully expected that after the surgery my hands would be warm and
dry. What I didn't expect was that my feet would
be dry as well. After spending 20 years
(since I was 15 years of age) obsessing about how cold and wet
my hands were it is hard to believe that they are so warm and dry. I
spend a great deal of time just looking at my hands and thinking
how easy it was to complete the ETS surgery and the process leading
up to the surgery. Dr. Nielson and his staff were incredibly
informed and helpful. I have to admit that I was a little
skeptical that it could be this easy. After all, I found
out about this surgery via the Internet. I researched other
sites, talked to the dermatology department at Johns Hopkins, even
talked to Dr. Nielson's staff many times. Let me tell you
that it was better than I could have ever expected.
As for side effects, they are so minor it is almost not worth mentioning. I
experienced minor pain after the surgery--almost like I had a slight
muscle pull in my rib cage. I never had a need for the pain
killers. It was gone after the second day. I felt like
I was ready for full athletic action after a week (but I kept my
promise not to work out for two weeks so tomorrow will be my first
day back at the gym). I experienced some "phantom" sweating
the first and second day--I was feeling those sensations that meant
my hands were about to start sweating but they remained dry. The
third day I actually did experience some minor rebound sweating--slight
moisture in the left palm and on the fingertips of my right hand. They
literally dried-up the same day. It appears as though my
compensatory sweating is occurring just below my pectoral muscles
on the front and on my back. This is not a big deal. It
only occurs at times when my hands and feet would have been sweating. In
fact, I used to sweat behind the knees and in the groin area and
this is now gone as well.
Again, thank you Dr. Nielson and thank you to the entire staff. The
ETS surgery is a wonderful thing and I would recommend it to anyone
looking to solve their hyperhidrosis and Raynaud's. I would
state that it was 100% effective! Please feel free to use
this email as a testimonial on your website and feel free to use
my name and number as a reference to any others seeking feedback.
Sincerely, (Patient)
years post-ETS Anniversary!
A BIG hello to Dr. Nielson, Cheryl, Peggy, Jane & staff!
2 years ago today, I had my ETS for severe HH & mild
blushing. My life has changed so much since the op. I'm out in
the world doing the things I love that were very embarassing to
do when I had HH (hyperhidrosis)/blushing.
I've been performing onstage (I'm a classical singer) and I also
serve as an on-call rehearsal accompanist. That is something I
always dreaded doing before ETS because my hands would sweat all
over the piano. I am an AVID (some might say obsessed...LOL) knitter
and I love working with my hands.
At my job, I'm working with clients and can shake hands without
having to swipe them on my pants first or worry about "the
look" when they feel my hands. They're still warm & dry.
I am wearing bright, colourful clothes with confidence.
I'm finally to the point where I don't worry about sweating anymore.
After the op, it takes a while to "retrain your brain" and
quit thinking negatively about sweating. If you've had HH your
whole life, you get into a cycle of worrying about sweating to
the point where you plan your day around hiding it. (How do I get
through this meeting? How can I hide my hands during my interview?,
etc). I don't have to think like that anymore. I have finally stopped
hiding my hands which is something I never realized I did until
I had ETS and didn't have to worry about sweaty hands. I don't
chose my clothes based on what I called "sweat factor" (in
other words, how much sweat is going to show?)
My CS is minimal to none. I rarely get it and when I do it's either
when I work out or in the hot summer months. It's very light so
it's a non-issue for me. I never sweat on my face or hands. My
underarms can sweat a little bit if I don't use antiperspirant.
My feet are dry about 98% of the time.
When I do sweat, it's just a bit of moisture on my back & stomach
(and sometimes thighs when it's really hot outside). Like I said
before, to me it's a non-issue because it's nothing compared to
what life was like with HH.
Just wanted to give you all an update and let you know that I'm
still doing great and life is good. Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!
Kindest regards,
(ETS on March 26, 2001

Please contact
us for more information on hyperhidrosis by calling 1-877-837-9379
toll free or submit
a questionnaire.