Sweating, Excessive Underarm Sweat Treatment. Patient's
September 2014
1 Year Follow Up
Condition(s) Treated /Comments: Hyperhidrosis
of the armpits. No CS.
I no longer have to worry about being in close quarters with co-workers
at work. - Michael (Austin, Texas)
August 2013
20 Month Follow Up
Condition(s) Treated: Underarm Sweating ( Procedure
I am VERY pleased with everything you've done for me. You have
completely changed my life! I have an entirely new wardrobe of
COLOR and I don't have to wear jackets during the hottest of summers!
I have a new confidence in myself and I don't hide in my shadows
anymore. I am even the drum-major of my band. I can proudly raise
my arms and conduct on top of the podium! :) Thank you soo much
for your time and effort! I greatly appreciate everything you and
your staff have done for me! Have a great day! God bless! :) (Patient)
April 2013
Hey Dr. Nielson
and team,
You did the procedure maybe
2 years ago and I just wanted to send you a quick note to say THANK
YOU. I go weeks without thinking about it but on the days I do,
man am I so thankful for you guys. As a business owner it was so
embarrassing to constantly be worrying about how badly I was sweating
through my shirts. I can finally wear light colored shirts again!
I would go through 2-4 shirts a day, trying to stay dry.
What a blessing it is to not worry about it. My sister says
the same thing about her results. You guys are awesome! Thanks
for everything. (Patient)
Dr. Nielson,
Overall: I am very pleased. I have
not worn any deodorant since the surgery and haven’t had any sweat
at all. Have felt dampness once Wed (today) under left arm when
I was in a hot area, but no real sweat. I had a long sleeve shirt
on and had the arm down with no room for air…that’s what I’m guessing
b/c it definitely wasn’t sweat. Thank You Thank You Thank You!
I’m hoping this remains because for the first time in 32 years
I have worn solid shirts with no under shirt and have not sweat
at all. The hardest thing is convincing my mine that I am not sweating.
I have had sensations of sweating at times throughout the last
few days, but no sweat. It has been a very strange feeling to say
the least. My daughter and son have been inquiring about it b/c
they suffer the same problems as I have. (Patient)
March 2012
To whom it may concern,
I suffered from sever underarm sweating for many years. I tried
any and everything you can think of to correct my problem, with
no relief. I research the iInternet and found Dr. Nielson's website.
That was probably three years ago. I was skeptical, especially
considering having surgery. Again. I researched ETS vs. SDLE
and researched several doctors around the nation. Compensatory
sweating was the number one issue and only side effect I was
really hearing about. I was so tired of sweating and the embarrassment
it caused. I contacted Dr. Neilson's office and spoke with Tiffiny.
I had the procedure done almost a year ago, and it has changed
my life. I too, asked his office for referrals and found all
of the people I contacted had positive results. I can't began
to tell you how professional and knowledgeable Dr. Nielson and
his staff are. I had the procedure, and there was no pain
during or after the surgery. The procedure took about 30 minutes
to complete, I followed-up the next morning and heading home
(Florida). Still today I have no sweat and can honestly say I
wish I had this procedure years ago. This by far is worth every
dime and I know you will be please. I had the procedure on a
Thursday morning, returned to the hotel and rested the remainder
of the day, and then went out to dinner that evening. NO PAIN,
but I did have some drainage which is totally normal. I returned
to work the Monday morning following the procedure. Never had
any problems, pain, discomfort, or Sweating! If for some reason
I ever begin sweating again. I would fly back out to Dr. Nielson
office in a heartbeat. That's how much I think of him and his
staff and how much it has changed my life. With any procedure,
there is a possibility of side effects or symptoms possibly returning.
But if you had the ETS procedure, I can assure you this procedure
will be a piece of cake. - Kirk
Dear Dr. Nielsen,
I could say that I wish I had
done it 20-yrs ago, but the procedure wasn’t developed and refined
by Dr. Nielsen until just recently. Best decision I have made in
the several years. I am so glad to have found your center and Dr.
Nielsen. I now have about 10-15% of the axillary perspiration that
I experienced prior to the visiting your center. You met my extremely
lofty expectations. Thanks so much, (Patient)
Dr. Neilson / Tiffani,
NO SWEAT!!! Where
do I begin? The Procedure was an experience
that i will never forget, in a good way. Being it was the only
surgery I have ever had done, I have to admit I was nervous the
morning of the procedure. You and your staff where awesome to say
the least. From the time I walk in to the office, your staff made
me as comfortable as possible and answered any and all of my questions.
I was impressed with the knowledge, kindness, dedication and professionalism
with each of them. The technology you use in this procedure is
state of the art and just mind blowing. I was never in any pain
post, during, or after the procedure. Having the procedure
has changed my life… (Patient)
To Dr. Nielson,
I didn’t even know the condition
had a name until my sister (a nurse) researched my symptoms to
find my condition was called hyperhidrosis. That was 13-years ago,
and for the past 13-years I have searched online for any information
or resolution that I could find, while at the same time I tried
topical and oral medications with moderate success and unpleasant
side affects. I wanted a better answer. I found Dr. Nielson’s web-site
early 2010, and he had been performing the for about 15-months
at that time. When compared to the ETS, seemed less invasive
and Dr. Nielson thought it to be an extremely effective alternative
to the ETS with no compensatory sweating that can accompany ETS.
ETS is considerable more expensive than
. Dr. Nielson performs both and ETS, but was very positive
about the when comparing the outcome with that of the ETS
procedure. I thought it said a lot when the Dr. was touting the
less expensive alternative.
DOS: 07 Nov
2007 Follow up week of 20th April, 2008 - Patient reports
very happy with results.
Dr. Nielson,
I just wanted to say THANK YOU! I
cannot begin to describe the difference I have already experienced
just a week after surgery. I don't think I truly realized
just how much anxiety I was carrying around until it was gone. I
feel like a new person & I cant wait to start jumping head
first into situations I would have shyed away from before. You
& your staff were wonderful! I couldn't have asked
for a better experience! And thank you again for further
lower the cost of the surgery - my parents had to go into their
retirement to help me out with this, and it made a big difference,
it was very kind & generous of you. I would be more than
happy to talk to any potential patients or write a testimonial
on what a positive life changing event this has been.
A thousand thanks for everything. Sincerely, (Patient)
Dr. Nielson and Staff,
Life has changed
for (Patient name)! She has cut the number of showers she takes
per day from about 5 to 2 since having and has gone shopping
for new shirts 3 times! All of the trying on may be why she is
a little sore. I know this sounds crazy but her entire demeanor
has changed. She is much more upbeat and smiles almost all of
the time now. She has bought new tops in a variety of colors
and has dug out all of her old favorites. She even asks me to
take her shopping and wants to try on clothes! She snuggled up
with me watching TV for the first time in a very long time. She
hugs her sister and lifts her arm to wave at people. She actually
stands up straight!
(Patient's Husband)
Dear Dr. Nielson,
Hello, how are you?
It was very nice to meet you. I am just writing to thank you for
changing my life! Getting dressed every morning has become so much
easier as I no longer have to choose colours or fabrics that will
disguise / absorb excessive underarm sweating for
the day. I also don't have the problem of staining my clothes with
sweat anymore, as my underarms are now almost
completely dry. I can now wear the colours that I like, instead
of the blacks, navies or whites that I was limited to in the past.
I can even go deodorant-free for the day!
It has been almost two weeks since I've
had the surgery and I feel like a new person. My hands, underarms
and face have been very dry and my facial blushing has also disappeared.
I can't believe it and need to get used to my new body as I sometimes
don't trust that I will cope in situations which in the past, were
a trigger for blushing and oversweating!
I have been confidently shaking hands
with people, writing freely, driving without my hands wetting the
steering wheel and getting through each day without having to worry
about how to disguise or get out of a sweaty-hand situation! I
feel like a huge weight has been taken off my shoulders, as I no
longer have the anxiety and fear of being with people that I used
to. I don't have to keep putting my hands in my pockets! As a teacher,
I am especially happy that I can write without smugding the inks
on papers!!! These keyboard keys aren't even wet!!!
My feet still have a little sweating and
am not sure if it is `safe' enough for me to wear open-style shoes
yet. However, the sweating on my feet has decreased (about 50%)
and seems to be improving each day.
As for compensatory sweating, yes, this
is happening around my trunk (mainly lower back and stomache area),
back of knees, thighs, front and back of my legs. The sweating
around the trunk has at times, soaked through my clothing but this
has been hardly visible. Also, I live in Japan, which is a country
with high heat humidity, especially in the summer! And, considering
that I
live in one of the hottest parts of Japan, the compensatory sweating
has been bearable in these conditions. However, being almost at
the end of summer, I feel that I need to experience many more hot,
summer days to make a better judgement on the compensatory sweating.
Interestingly, I feel as though my sweat
glands have been shifted to new areas of my body. I now need to
get used to sweating around my lower trunk and back of knees as
in the past I have never sweated around these areas. Even though
at times, this new sweating is uncomfortable, I do prefer it like
this. Also, I have noticed that whenever I'm in an air-conditioned
room, I don't experience any compensatory sweating and am completely
dry from head to toe.
Another interesting change that I've noticed
is `stomache- blushing'. Whenever I feel as if I am going to blush,
my stomache blushes instead! I actually feel the same heat rush
that used to cover my face going across my stomach area and am
relieved that this is not visible!
Some of the teaching work that I do in
Japan is in a kindergarten. The other day, while on stage teaching
a song and dance, I felt so great! I had no stage-fright, blushing,
facial sweating or sweaty hands while holding the microphone. For
the first time in my life, I could sing, teach and dance with enjoyment,
rather than discomfort and embarassment! I have never enjoyed being
on stage so much!
I am planning to join a dance school as
I love dancing and have always wanted to do so! With my new found
self-confidence I feel like the sky's the limit - I can do anything!!
Thanking you sincerely, (Patient)
Dr Nilsen,
The treament was nothing compared
to what I thought it would be. I experienced no pain and treatment
time was minimal. The staff was very helpful and supportive, which
made my nerves calm. I don't have to constantly think about my
sweat now and even the smell has been noticeably reduced. I would
definitely get another treatment in the future. (My sweating was
so bad that I think 2 treatments would benefit the most) thank
you all!! (Patient)
Dr. Nielson,
I would like to thank you for a successful ETS surgery. I
can not express to you enough how much this has changed my life!
This condition (armpit sweat) has "haunted" me
all of my life, and now I can finally relax and enjoy it. Most
importantly, I can finish school and be confident in my job (Radiology).
I'm so thankful to you & your staff. My visit to San
Antonio was well worth it. Please continue doing what you
do best, changing lives!
Sincerely, (Patient)
Dr Nielson,
Thank you for changing my life. It’s hard to believe a year
has passed since the micro ETS surgery. I am now living my life
to the fullest!
Sincerely, (Patient)
Dr Nielson,
This surgery (micro ETS) has changed my life, my comfort around
people, touching others, my confidence, and my view of myself.
Thank you Dr. Nielson & Staff (Patient)
Please include this in the testimonials on behalf of Dr Nielson
and Staff. I make it a point to post messages in support of using
Dr Nielson for ETS and cannot thank you all on the staff and
Dr Nielson enough for helping me recover from the first ETS I
had done in New York. The comparison between the first ETS experience
and the one with Dr. Nielson could not have been more different.
Please keep my tel number and email address in case anyone from
this area or elsewhere would like to talk to me about their ETS
experiences. (Patient) and I have emailed each other. Thanks
for the information to contact her.
Many thanks, (Patient)
Dr Nielson,
I just wanted to drop you a note along with my follow-up report
to once again thank you for the opportunity to take charge of
my life in a way never before realized. Micro ETS has empowered
me in ways that I never before imagined possible. I don't consider
anything out of reach now. My confidence is reaching a new level
that is noticeable to my friends. My only regret is that I didn't
have Micro ETS sooner.
I am obviously doing well and have had little pain. I don't know
if I told you in the follow up interview, but I went on a date
the same night I had my surgery. That alone should serve as a testament
to the low invasiveness you provide.
I am doing my best to spread the word about your procedure. Feel
free to use me as a reference for anyone that my story might benefit.
I will keep you up to date on my progress.
Congratulations on running the Olympic torch. I am sure that was
quite an experience.
Thanks, (Patient)
Dear Dr. Nielson,
Thank you for your micro ETS procedure! The compensatory sweating
is so mild I hardly think it is worth mentioning. It only comes
once in a while and lasts only a minute or two. Sincerely,
Dear Dr. Nielson,
It's been a week and I feel like a miracle has taken place in my
body. I thank God for leading me to you. I'm 44 years old and
have lived with hyperhidrosis for as long as I can remember.
Doctors misdiagnosed this condition telling me I was too aware
of myself or prescribed antidepressants. I diagnosed myself through
research and then found you. The surgery was a simple procedure
with minimal discomfort. I am now comfortable in my body and
you can imagine what that does for one's confidence. I am no
longer ashamed and feel an obligation to educate people, especially
doctors, so people will be properly diagnosed and know there
is help. I want to thank you Dr. Nielson and let you know that
you have changed my life. Sincerely,
Dr. Nielson,
Thank you so very much! You have changed my life. I no longer have
any underarm sweating. Thank you again!

Please contact
us for more information on hyperhidrosis by calling 1-877-837-9379
toll free or submit
a questionnaire.