Facial Blushing Clinical Results & Rare
Anatomical Occurance
year old male with a 24 year history of severe Blushing. He had
tried facial creams and Phtotoderm treatments. The creams didn't
help and photoderm actually made his Blushing worse. He is now
2 months out from surgery.
had an azygous lobe of the lung which only occurs on the right
side and is a rare anatomical occurance.
Patient thoughts follow:
the past 24 years, I have suffered from hyperpyrexia, or extreme
blushing. This debilitating condition has severely hampered my professional
and private life and brought it to an absolute standstill. Virtually
social situation (at work, a family gathering, etc.) will trigger
the hyperpyrexia, which causes my face to become very red and makes
and the
people around me, feel extremely uncomfortable. Furthemore, the burning
sensation on my face, chest, and back associated with hyperpyrexia
my ability to concentrate (on conversations or the task at hand),
thus making me feel even more self-conscious. Some people have even
that they could feel the heat coming off of my body. This condition
severely hampered my communication skills and affected my ability
to hold
down a job or feel confident in any kind of new situation. It is
sad to note
that I do not even feel comfortable around family when this condition
strikes. To relieve this condition, I have tried breathing exercises,
relaxation techniques, soaps and creams, and most recently, a laser
fotofacial, but these remedies have done little or nothing to alleviate
condition. I strongly believe Micro ETS surgery to be my last, best
for relief from this debilitating condition that has robbed me of
the opportunity to be an active, productive member of society." (Patient)
Surgery Photographs